Herbal Extract Of Ginger And Honey To Acute Respiratory Infection In Toddler; Literature Review
Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi bukti ilmiah ekstrak herbal jahe dan madu terhadap ISPA pada Balita.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Literatur Review dengan mencari artikel pada database Pubmed, DOAJ, Google Scholar dengan kata kunci “Balita, Jahe, Madu, dan ISPA” dan diperoleh 6 artikel yang sesuai dengan penilaian The JBI Critical Apprasial Tool.
Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa hasil yang ditemukan dari enam (6) jurnal Internasional, 5 dengan metode RCT dan 1 menggunakan metode Quasi Eksperimen. terbukti dari 3 jurnal yang membenarkan bahwa jahe efektif dalam mengatasi batuk dan ISPA, dan 3 diataranya masih belum menemukan efek dari madu untuk penanganan ISPA pada balita. Dari hasil yang didapatkan Terapi non farmakologi pemberian jahe madu terbukti dapat menurunkan keparahan batuk serta meningkatkan kualitas tidur pada penderita ISPA.
Kesimpulan: Ekstrak herbal jahe dan madu dapat mengurangi batuk maupun ISPA pada balita, terbukti dari 3 jurnal yang membenarkan bahwa jahe efektif dalam mengatasi batuk dan ISPA, dan 3 diataranya masih belum menemukan efek dari madu untuk penanganan ISPA pada balita.
Saran: Diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai obat herbal yang aman tanpa menimbulkan efek samping
Kata Kunci: Balita, Ekstrak Herbal Jahe, Honey, ISPA
Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in children under five. ARI will cause death in infants and toddlers because it has an impact on respiratory function disorders. Acute respiratory infection is a disease that often occurs in toddlers with an incidence of three to six times a year. The provision of traditional herbs as non-pharmacological therapy can be used as a complementary therapy for medical care in dealing with ARI in toddlers. The herbal content of ginger and honey is known to reduce the severity of coughs at night, thereby reducing sleep disturbances. Good sleep quality can improve the condition of ARI so that there are no worse complications.Purpose: Identify scientific evidence of herbal extracts of ginger and honey to ARI in toddlers.Method: This study uses a Literature Review approach by searching for articles in the Pubmed, DOAJ, Google Scholar databases with the keywords "Toddler, Ginger, Honey, and Acute Respiratory Infections" and obtained 6 articles that match the assessment of The JBI Critical Apprasial Tool.Results: Based on the results of the study that the results were found from six (6) international journals, 5 using the RCT method and 1 using the Quasi Experiment method. it is proven from 3 journals that confirm that ginger is effective in overcoming coughs and ARI, and 3 of them still have not found the effect of honey for handling ARI in toddlers. From the results obtained, non-pharmacological therapy with ginger honey has been shown to reduce cough severity and improve sleep quality in ARI patients.Conclusion: Ginger and honey herbal extracts can reduce coughs and ARI in toddlers, as evidenced by 3 journals that confirm that ginger is effective in treating coughs and ARIs, and 3 of them still haven't found the effect of honey for treating ARI in toddlers.Suggestion: It is hoped that it can be used as a safe herbal medicine without causing side effects Keyword: Acute Respiratory Infections, Extract of Ginger, Honey, Toddler
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