Determinants Of The Cause Of Low Adherence To Pregnant Women Consuming Fe Tablet
Latar Belakang: Kehamilan merupakan suatu proses yang alamiah dan fisiologis. Ketidakpatuhan ibu hamil dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya anemia, sehingga risiko abortus, partus, infeksi, syok hingga kematian. Diketahui bahwa 562 ibu hamil yang telah mendapatkan tablet Fe, 67% diantaranya tidak patuh dan tidak mengkonsumsi tablet Fe.
Tujuan: Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk Determinan Penyebab Rendahnya Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Mengkonsumsi Tablet Fe.
Metode: Penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif-kuantitatif menggunakan uji Chi-Square, secara cross-sectional. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Lolak, Kota Kotamobagu, pada bulan januari 2022. Populasi sebanyak 562 orang, Sampel sebanyak 85 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert. Analisis data secara statistik Chi-square. Penyajian data menggunakan tabel yang di jelaskan secara deskriptif.
Hasil: Pengetahuan ibu hamil menjadi faktor penyebab rendahnya kepatuhan ibu hamil dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe, yang di buktikan secara statistik dengan nilai P-Value sebesar 0,000. Motivasi ibu hamil, berkaitan dengan kepatuhannya dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe, hal ini terbukti dari hasil uji statistik P-Value 0,000. Dukungan keluarga secara signifikan menyebabkan tidak patuhnya ibu hamil mengkonsumsi tablet Fe, secara statistik menunjukkan P-Value 0,000.
Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian, Di ketahui bahwa faktor penyebab rendahnya kepatuhan ibu hamil dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe yaitu karena pengetahuan ibu dan keluarga terkait pentingnya dan manfaat mengkonsumsi tablet Fe, dan Dukungan keluarga serta motivasi ibu hamil mengkonsumsi tablet Fe sangat kurang.
Saran: Sangat perlu dilakukan edukasi yang disiplin dan komprehensif agar ibu dan keluarga betl-betul memahami pentingnya mengkonsumsi tablet Fe.
Kata Kunci: Dukungan kelurga, Ibu hamil, Motivasi, Pengetahuan, Tablet Fe
Background: Pregnancy is a natural and physiological process. Disobedience of pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets can lead to anemia, increasing the risk of abortion, parturition, infection, and shock to death. It is known that of 562 pregnant women who have received Fe tablets, 67% of them are not obedient and do not consume Fe tablets.
Purpose: The aims of this study was to Determinants of the Cause of Low Adherence to Pregnant Women Consuming Fe Tablets.
Method: This research is of the quantitative descriptive type with Chi-Square Analysis, with cross-sectionally study. This research was carried out at the Lolak Health Center, Kotamobagu City, in January 2022. The population was 562, and the sample was 85 people. -Collecting data using a questionnaire by conducting direct interviews. Chi-square statistical data analysis Presentation of data using a table that is described descriptively..
Results: Knowledge of pregnant women is a factor causing low compliance of pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets, which is proven statistically with a P-Value value of 0.000. The motivation of pregnant women is related to their compliance in consuming Fe tablets. This is evident from the results of the P-Value 0.000 statistical test. Family support significantly causes non-adherence of pregnant women to consumption Fe tablets, which statistically shows a P-Value of 0.000.
Conclusion: Based on the research objectives, it is known that the factors causing the low compliance of pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets are due to the knowledge of the mother and family regarding the importance and benefits of consuming Fe tablets, and family support and motivation of pregnant women to consume Fe tablets is very lacking.Suggestion: It is very necessary to carry out a disciplined and comprehensive education so that mothers and their families really understand the importance of consuming Fe tablets.Keyword: Fe Tablets, Knowledge, Motivation, Pregnant woment’s, Family support
Keywords : Dukungan, Ibu hamil, Motivasi, Pengetahuan, Tablet Fe
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