Supp. File(s): Research Instrument
The Effect Of Gym Ball Coaching On Progress Primigravida Mother's Delivery
Childbirth is the process of expelling a fetus at term pregnancy, which is around 37-42 weeks and is born spontaneously with a posterior presentation that lasts for 18-24 hours without any complications. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is an indicator for assessing health status. The number of maternal deaths collected from family health program records at the Ministry of Health increases every year. In 2021 there were 7,389 deaths in Indonesia. This number shows an increase compared to 2020 of 4,627 deaths.
Gym ball is a way to increase the size of the pelvic cavity by shaking the pelvis on the ball which is very effective in helping to respond to pain and reducing the length of labor during the active phase of the first stage.
This research aims to determine the effect of gym ball guidance on the progress of labor in primigravida mothers during the first active phase at PMB Eka Santi Prabekti in 2023.
This research uses quantitative methods with a pre-experimental research design using an intract group comparison design. The sample size was 50 mothers giving birth who were divided into two groups, namely the group that did not receive gym ball guidance, 25 people and the group that received gym ball guidance, 25 people. The research instruments were observation sheets and partographs. This data collection method uses primary data carried out in the months 05 July – 10 September 2023. The results of this study show that the progress of maternal labor in the group that did not receive gymball guidance was 424.72 minutes, and in the group that received gymball guidance it was 265.20 minutes. minute.
The conclusion is that there is an influence of gymball guidance on the progress of labor of primigravida mothers in the first active phase, proven by the T-test with a p-value = 0.000 (p-value < 0.05).
Key words: gym ball guidance, mother giving birth, labor progress
Supplement Files
Keywords : ey words: gym ball guidance, mother giving birth, labor progress
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