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Duta wisata adalah kontes dibidang beauty pageant untuk mengembangkan potensi diri dalam sektor pariwisata. Perfectionism adalah sikap untuk mencapai standar kesempurnaan disertai dengan evaluasi kritis dan bersifat multidimensional. Evaluasi terhadap penampilan dapat menimbulkan rasa ketidakpuasan terhadap bentuk tubuh yang akan berkembang menjadi kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara masing-masing aspek dari perfectionism dengan kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder pada komunitas Duta Wisata Kab. Semarang. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 33 orang. Skala yang digunakan adalah multidimentional perfectionism scale dan body dysmorphic sympthoms scale brazillian-portuguesse version. Penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik analisis korelatif korelasional moment Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat masing-masing aspek dari perfectionism maka semakin tinggi tingkat kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder, begitu juga sebaliknya. Implikasi penelitian ini dapat membantu menggambarkan bahwa sikap perfectionism terhadap penampilan pada seseorang dapat mengarah pada kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder. Sumbangan efektif perfectionism terhadap kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder adalah 34%.
Kata Kunci: Perfectionism, Kecenderungan Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Duta Wisata
Tourism Ambassador is a contest of beauty pageant to develop self-potential in tourism sector. As an ambassador, being attractive is an important. Perfectionism is a personal tendency to strive for perfection, which is accompanied by critical evaluation and it has multidimensional character. Evaluation of appearance can be lead to dissatisfaction with body shape, which develops into tendency for body dysmorphic disorder. This study aims to determine the relationship between each aspect of perfectionism with tendency for body dysmorphic disorder on community of Tourism Ambassadors in Semarang Regency. Participants in this study were 33 people. The scales used in this study were the multidimensional perfectionism scale and the Brazilian-Portuguesse version of the body dysmorphic symptom scale. This study uses correlative analysis technique Pearson moment. The results showed that the higher level of each aspect of perfectionism, the higher tendency for body dysmorphic disorder, vice versa. Implications of this research can help illustrate that perfectionism towards one's appearance can lead to tendency for body dysmorphic disorder. Perfectionism's effective contribution to the tendency of body dysmorphic disorder is 34%.
Keywords: Perfectionism, Body Dysmorphic Disorder Tendency, Tourism Ambassador
Supplement Files
Keywords : perfectionism, kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder, duta wisata
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